SPIERS (Serial Palaeontological Image Editing and Rendering System) is a package of three programs for the reconstruction and analysis of tomographic (serial image) datasets, such as those obtained from serial-grinding of specimens, or from CT scanning. More details are available in the documentation for each program.

Change log:
The following has been changed since the last release.
- Added program wide theme.
- Numerous bug fixes and code tidying.
- Re-jigged main menu.
- Added palaeoware branding.
- Added online documentation (ReadTheDocs) for the manual with menu links under “About”.
- Added menu links to github palaeoware repository for SPIERSalign and github issues/request url.
- Added program wide theme.
- Numerous bug fixes and code tidying.
- Re-jigged main menu.
- Added palaeoware branding.
- Added online documentation (ReadTheDocs) for the manual with menu links under “About”.
- Added menu links to github palaeoware repository for SPIERSedit and github issues/request url.
- Updated VTK from v7.0 to v8.1.
- Added program wide theme.
- New full screen mode.
- Touch screen compatibility.
- Numerous bug fixes and code tidying.
- Re-jigged main menu.
- Additional shortcut keys.
- Added palaeoware branding.
- Added online documentation (ReadTheDocs) for the manual with menu links under “About”.
- Added menu links to github palaeoware repository for SPIERSview and github issues/request url.
SPIERS common files (used by all programs):
- Transferred to semantic versioning (v2.0.0)
- Centralised the SPIERS software version number.
Online documentation here:
SPIERS can be downloaded from GitHub: https://github.com/palaeoware/spiers/releases